Departamento asociado: Parks and Recreation

Get a community garden permit

Once you have your garden design and an approved site plan, you are ready to submit your community garden permit application. This is the third and final check-in.

Este servicio es parte de:
Este servicio es parte de:
  1. Make sure that you have already gone through the first and second community garden permit check-ins. If you have not, please see the full community garden permit guide for details.

  2. Gather the following documents:

  3. Submit all documents to the Community Gardens Coordinator.

  4. Pay the $50 application fee.

    Mail a check to:

    Attn: PARD Finance, 200 S. Lamar Blvd., Austin, TX 78704

  5. You will be contacted regarding your application within two weeks. Because you have gone through multiple check-ins and worked closely with the Community Gardens Coordinator, applications are typically approved. If an application is not ready to be approved, the Community Gardens Coordinator will communicate what is missing or needs to be revised.

  6. An approved community gardens permit application serves as a fee waiver for a water tap installation. The Community Gardens Coordinator will work closely with your team to get water to your garden.

Departamento asociado


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